• 06.06.2016 17:54

American Truck Simulator: Kostenloses Arizona-DLC erschienen

Für den American Truck Simulator ist das Arizona-DLC veröffentlicht worden. Damit ist auch die Open Beta-Phase des letzten Updates abgeschlossen

(Motorsport-Total.com) - SCS Software hat das Arizona-DLC für American Truck Simulator veröffentlicht. Das kostenlose Add-on bringt 15 neue Städte, Abschnitte der Route 66 und natürlich den Grand Canyon mit sich. Gleichzeitig wird damit die Open Beta-Phase des Updates 1.3 beendet.

Titel-Bild zur News: American Truck Simulator

ATS-Fernfahrer erleben nun auch den Grand Canyon Zoom

Was die neue Version im Einzelnen für Änderungen enthält, kann nachfolgend nachgelesen werden.

American Truck Simulator - Update 1.3-Changelog:
-Improved external jobs support in game (direct control, freight market).
-Physically simulated truck and trailer coupling (option).
-Added external jobs.
-Arizona DLC.

-Blinker auto off can be disabled (option).
-Speeding highlight can be disabled (option).
-Torque converter simulation greatly improved.
-Automatic transmission behavior improved.
-XInput support added - custom support for XBox controller.
-Added UI support for 4th and 5th controller.
-Gear shift selectors (range, split) now have UI support for position-based switches.

-New accessories added to 579 and T680 (bullbars, deflectors, sideflares, etc).
-Default air horn added to all trucks (attribute air_horn in sound accessory).
-New engine sound of W900 (air intake).
-Interior sounds of all trucks rebalanced.
-US specific engine data.
-Added new road from San Rafael to Eureka + new city Ukiah on this road

-Damage params moved out from game_data.sii and some more added (including wear and part damage factors).
-Data driven engines (torque curve, rpm limits).
-Force feedback data for XInput added (force_feedback.sii).
-Torque converter physics data added, separated manual clutch data (physics.sii).
-Data change from driven wheel to driven axle.
-Added check for internal camera continuity.